在移动设备上的语音模型(在设备个性化)上的个性化是一个活跃的研究领域,但是通常,移动设备比配对的音频文本数据具有更多的仅文本数据。我们探索培训有关仅文本数据的个性化语言模型,该模型在推理期间用于提高该用户的语音识别性能。我们在一个用户群体的Librispeech语料库上进行了实验,并为Gutenberg Project的每个用户提供了个性化的文本数据。我们发布此特定于用户的LibrisPeech(UserLibri)数据集,以帮助未来的个性化研究。LibrisPeech音频转录对分为来自测试清洁数据集的55个用户,另外有52位用户。我们能够降低流媒体和非启动模型中的两个集合中每个用户的平均单词错误率,包括在流式传输时为更难的测试用户组的2.5改进。
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我们重新审视使​​用公共数据来改善差异私有(DP)模型培训的隐私/实用权折衷的问题。在这里,公共数据是指没有隐私问题的辅助数据集。我们考虑与私人培训数据相同的分发的公共数据。对于凸损失,我们表明镜子血清的变体提供了与模型的维度($ p $)的人口风险保证。具体地,我们将镜像血液应用于由公共数据生成的丢失作为镜像映射,并使用私有(敏感)数据生成的丢失的DP梯度。为了获得维度独立性,我们需要$ g_q ^ 2 \ leq p $公共数据样本,其中$ g_q $是损失功能各向同性的量度。我们进一步表明,我们的算法具有天然的“噪音稳定性”属性:如果围绕当前迭代公共损失,请以$ V $的方向满足$ \ alpha_v $ -strong凸性,然后使用嘈杂的渐变而不是确切的渐变偏移我们的下一次迭代$ v $ v $比例为$ 1 / alpha_v $(与DP-SGD相比,换档是各向同性的)。在前作品中的类似结果必须使用预处理器矩阵形式的公共数据明确地学习几何图形。我们的方法也适用于非凸损失,因为它不依赖于凸起假设以确保DP保证。我们通过显示线性回归,深度学习基准数据集(Wikitext-2,Cifar-10和Emnist)以及联合学习(StackOverflow)来证明我们的算法的经验效果。我们表明,我们的算法不仅显着改善了传统的DP-SGD和DP-FedAVG,它没有访问公共数据,而且还可以改善DP-SGD和DP-FedAVG对已与公众预先培训的模型数据开始。
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诸如联合学习之类的分布式学习范例通常涉及通过网络传输模型更新或梯度,从而避免传输私有数据。但是,有关培训数据的敏感信息可以从这种梯度透露。先前的作品已经证明,可以通过某些模型的最后一层(例如,reset)分析标签,或者通过使用匹配[zhu等人]的渐变与当前状态的额外知识,可以与模型输入共同重建。模型。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种方法来发现从最后一层的梯度和标签映射的梯度发现一组训练样本标签。我们的方法适用于多个域的各种模型架构。我们展示了我们在两个领域的模型训练中的效果 - 图像分类和自动语音识别。此外,我们表明,当与我们的方法结合使用时,现有的重建技术可以提高它们的功效。相反,我们证明梯度量化和稀疏可以显着降低攻击的成功。
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Attention mechanisms form a core component of several successful deep learning architectures, and are based on one key idea: ''The output depends only on a small (but unknown) segment of the input.'' In several practical applications like image captioning and language translation, this is mostly true. In trained models with an attention mechanism, the outputs of an intermediate module that encodes the segment of input responsible for the output is often used as a way to peek into the `reasoning` of the network. We make such a notion more precise for a variant of the classification problem that we term selective dependence classification (SDC) when used with attention model architectures. Under such a setting, we demonstrate various error modes where an attention model can be accurate but fail to be interpretable, and show that such models do occur as a result of training. We illustrate various situations that can accentuate and mitigate this behaviour. Finally, we use our objective definition of interpretability for SDC tasks to evaluate a few attention model learning algorithms designed to encourage sparsity and demonstrate that these algorithms help improve interpretability.
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The advances in Artificial Intelligence are creating new opportunities to improve lives of people around the world, from business to healthcare, from lifestyle to education. For example, some systems profile the users using their demographic and behavioral characteristics to make certain domain-specific predictions. Often, such predictions impact the life of the user directly or indirectly (e.g., loan disbursement, determining insurance coverage, shortlisting applications, etc.). As a result, the concerns over such AI-enabled systems are also increasing. To address these concerns, such systems are mandated to be responsible i.e., transparent, fair, and explainable to developers and end-users. In this paper, we present ComplAI, a unique framework to enable, observe, analyze and quantify explainability, robustness, performance, fairness, and model behavior in drift scenarios, and to provide a single Trust Factor that evaluates different supervised Machine Learning models not just from their ability to make correct predictions but from overall responsibility perspective. The framework helps users to (a) connect their models and enable explanations, (b) assess and visualize different aspects of the model, such as robustness, drift susceptibility, and fairness, and (c) compare different models (from different model families or obtained through different hyperparameter settings) from an overall perspective thereby facilitating actionable recourse for improvement of the models. It is model agnostic and works with different supervised machine learning scenarios (i.e., Binary Classification, Multi-class Classification, and Regression) and frameworks. It can be seamlessly integrated with any ML life-cycle framework. Thus, this already deployed framework aims to unify critical aspects of Responsible AI systems for regulating the development process of such real systems.
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Large "instruction-tuned" language models (finetuned to respond to instructions) have demonstrated a remarkable ability to generalize zero-shot to new tasks. Nevertheless, they depend heavily on human-written instruction data that is limited in quantity, diversity, and creativity, therefore hindering the generality of the tuned model. We introduce Self-Instruct, a framework for improving the instruction-following capabilities of pretrained language models by bootstrapping off its own generations. Our pipeline generates instruction, input, and output samples from a language model, then prunes them before using them to finetune the original model. Applying our method to vanilla GPT3, we demonstrate a 33% absolute improvement over the original model on Super-NaturalInstructions, on par with the performance of InstructGPT_001, which is trained with private user data and human annotations. For further evaluation, we curate a set of expert-written instructions for novel tasks, and show through human evaluation that tuning GPT3 with Self-Instruct outperforms using existing public instruction datasets by a large margin, leaving only a 5% absolute gap behind InstructGPT_001. Self-Instruct provides an almost annotation-free method for aligning pre-trained language models with instructions, and we release our large synthetic dataset to facilitate future studies on instruction tuning.
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Drug targets are the main focus of drug discovery due to their key role in disease pathogenesis. Computational approaches are widely applied to drug development because of the increasing availability of biological molecular datasets. Popular generative approaches can create new drug molecules by learning the given molecule distributions. However, these approaches are mostly not for target-specific drug discovery. We developed an energy-based probabilistic model for computational target-specific drug discovery. Results show that our proposed TagMol can generate molecules with similar binding affinity scores as real molecules. GAT-based models showed faster and better learning relative to GCN baseline models.
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Mobile health (mHealth) technologies empower patients to adopt/maintain healthy behaviors in their daily lives, by providing interventions (e.g. push notifications) tailored to the user's needs. In these settings, without intervention, human decision making may be impaired (e.g. valuing near term pleasure over own long term goals). In this work, we formalize this relationship with a framework in which the user optimizes a (potentially impaired) Markov Decision Process (MDP) and the mHealth agent intervenes on the user's MDP parameters. We show that different types of impairments imply different types of optimal intervention. We also provide analytical and empirical explorations of these differences.
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